Do you know you can use your WhatsApp to search anything in the web while chatting with your family and friends without existing the app and it's called WIKIBOT. WHAT IS WHATSAPP WIKIBOT ? Is a WhatsApp search engine known as wikipedia is something like a mini search engine developed by an Indian webmasters group which allow every Whatsapp user to search for certain words or stuffs online and the bot will provide answers from outside the Whatsapp platform. Nice. Isn't it? WHICH PHONES SUPPORT WHATSAPP WIKIBOT FEATURE? All devices that uses Whatsapp are supported no matter how small or big the phone is. IS WIKIBOT AN APPLICATION? HOW DOES IT WORK? Wikibot is not an app but it is a special phone number that you will save on your phone to use the bot services. Normally, when you install your Whatsapp app on your phone, there will be nothing like wikibot until you set it up with the settings I will give you below. HOW TO ACTIVATE WIKIBOT ON MY WHATSAPP ==>First of all...